7 Ways to Maximize Your Affiliate Marketing Program ROI

7 Ways to Maximize Your Affiliate Marketing Program ROI

Affiliate marketing is a mutually beneficial business partnership between a merchant and a website publisher/owner whereby an affiliate is compensated (commission per sale) for every visitor or client provided through his/her effort. In other words, Affiliate marketing is simple and a quick way to offer products and services without creating them yourself.

“By introducing your customers to products or services

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Marketing Strategies: Flapping Beyond the Struggle to Fly

Marketing Strategies: Flapping Beyond the Struggle to Fly

Marketing strategies that move you out of the water into the sky, and keep you happily flapping your wings in formation to your destination of success?

When you consider the goose as he takes off into flight, flapping and slapping the water, running along on webbed feet in an attempt to lift off into the wild blue yonder, you might

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Case Study Theories for Content Marketing Success – Why It Is Needed?

Case Study Theories for Content Marketing Success – Why It Is Needed?

Content marketing is one of the newest forms of marketing, bettered as effective marketing. It’s proving to be one of the most intelligent forms of psychedelic business driving marketing. The Global Survey in the area of the Digital marketing confirms that 72% of marketers offer a better ROI than magazine advertising, while 69% feel that it’s more effective than direct

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YouTube Influencer Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

YouTube Influencer Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

We can say, YouTube Influencer Marketing is one of the best ways to increase a Brand’s reach. But, if and only if we do it the right way.

In 2016, there are up to 75% of marketers are now investing in influencer marketing, 60% of brands will increase the amount they spend on influencer marketing. However, the recent research shows

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