5 Ways All Online Businesses Can Benefit From Local Marketing

5 Ways All Online Businesses Can Benefit From Local Marketing

Even if you have an international business, there are many ways that you can benefit from locally based marketing. Local marketing can also be a key to catapulting you to global markets if you know what you’re doing and why you’re doing it.

1. Vastly Improves Your Search Engine Rankings

Location-based marketing helps you get a higher search ranking because

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Success Factors in a Global Network Marketing Business

Success Factors in a Global Network Marketing Business

Success Factors

How to Discover the Love, Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Fitness Required in a Global Network Marketing Business


To everyone that is doubtful of hope – this is for you!

Let’s begin. A few short weeks ago, unbeknownst to me, I had the privilege of meeting someone on an airplane bound for Adelaide, Australia; who would lead me

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How to Do Digital Marketing for Local Business

How to Do Digital Marketing for Local Business

Local marketing can work for any online business whether you really are only local to the place you want to market to or whether you’re a global business.

Start a Local Niche Group on Facebook

The remarkable thing about Facebook is that you can create as many groups as you want to. You can create them for different locations so

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The Rise of the Micro Influencer and How It Changed Influencer Marketing

The Rise of the Micro Influencer and How It Changed Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing and its role in social media is changing – and likely for the better.

Social media continues to be a growing and major game player in influencer marketing and correlating sales. Considering the success of celebrity endorsements through various digital platforms, it is clear that social media and its various celebrity influencers have a huge impact on how

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Combating Fake Followers In Influencer Marketing

Combating Fake Followers In Influencer Marketing

Today’s digital marketing environment is one that has seen influencers pave the way for brands to make money through the appeal of mass social media followings. With influencer marketing becoming a major part of brand sales and growth, the digital space has also seen the rise of bad practices by influencers who take advantage of the new digital landscape by

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