The Secret to Freelance Happiness in a Fiverr Home Business: Job Crafting
Freelancing is Really Great… Sometimes.
People around the world are doing freelance work from home. Without careful planning, they do not all end up happier. Are you interested in the life-changing chance to earn “job-free money” from anywhere? If so, take time in the beginning, to improve your likelihood of happiness by “job crafting.” That’s when you reshape your work to truly suit you… instead of struggling (or pretending) to reshape yourself to suit a job.
Among your many choices for freelancing, is one of the true giants. Most preparations for working through Fiverr focus only on making money-which is important and is the point of freelance work! But, and it’s a sizeable but, money is never the whole point.
Evolution is Counting on You to Outgrow the Previous Generation.
We humans are complex critters with many simultaneous hopes and needs. We have social needs, psychological needs, identity issues, and a yearning to reach beyond our grasp, to strive for better. After all, we are evolving toward something new and different, and we are at the cutting edge. If you freelance only to improve your income, all other life needs, goals, and values must be “kept on ice” while you work. Design your freelance work–from the start–to enrich much more than just your wallet.
As a psychologist, I want to help you make money in a way that directly improves your life. The main reason we do anything is because we think it will make us feel better or be happier. Money does often make us happier but is never enough by itself. Focusing only on income can starve us emotionally. Once basic survival needs are met, humans also need to learn and grow, to express their inner potentials, and to relate to fellow humans. It’s not always easy to relate to someone as complicated and challenging as we humans can be, but we are very social animals and we need each other.
“Rich or Poor, It’s Always Nice to Have Money”
That’s what my Grandfather always said. Now I see that earning that money in creative ways will further enrich your life, which is even nicer than just having money. First, clarify what matters most to you, and then design your work to make you feel better and be happier while you do it. You can do work you love-even if it’s on the side. Sometimes, you can monetize your favorite skills and hobbies. You can always develop new skills and practice them at Fiverr until you get good enough to compete elsewhere. That’s what I did. Now I record my own online classes using those voice-over skills which help me to reach for bigger goals.
You can even pre-test your ideas for a small business by experimenting with the process as a Fiverr gig. This lets you build a fan base, develop your skills, and improve your business model, all at no risk and at no cost to you. Whatever your financial goals, meet your higher needs while you pay the bills. Enjoy your work, enjoy how it makes you feel, and also enjoy the money!
Three things will make you a “Fiverr Thriverr”:
1. Study and master their system.
2. Choose work that matches your talents and enthusiasm.
3. Continually improve your abilities and your service.
Craft Your Freelance Work to Express a Dream.
When in crisis, survival is enough, but I encourage you to build a stable freelance income that is based upon your heart-fully chosen and deeply-valued work–the kind of work that, in and of itself, enriches your life.
Most people will not get rich from an online home business (unless you consider doing work that you love to be a treasure all by itself). Actually, there are many well-documented stories of freelancers who have bought houses and cars and boats and more with their Fiverr side-job income. So, don’t count on getting rich-but don’t rule it out either!
Most people can earn a good deal of side income on Fiverr. The average part-timer might hope to make from $200 to $500 a month after building up their “gig” (or service) for sale. If you get more serious, much more can be earned.
I, personally, earned thousands of dollars at Fiverr with no advertising at all. At the same time, I used that opportunity to learn how to do voice-over work, which has been a life-long interest of mine. What a thrilling education: I got to do over 400 voice jobs of every possible sort! Fiverr is a gigantic marketplace of eager buyers waving credit cards. When I Google-search for many skills, Fiverr has page-one listings for all of their sellers in that skill category-which could include you.
Since Fiverr sellers completely design their own gigs, freelancing offers you that rare chance in life to choose exactly what you would most enjoy doing. Maybe you could offer skills or talents that have never had an audience. Maybe you could develop and showcase new abilities that would open new doors for you. Whatever path you take, doing work that you love enriches your life in ways that ill-fitting work never will. I encourage you to clarify your heart’s desires and craft your jobs to best enrich your life! (And also pay some bills.)